To get pleasure from sexual life of every woman. Often this phenomenon is associated with inadequate production of the secretions of the genital tract, resulting in reduced sexual activity, no desire to love. Help you to experience orgasm produced a special lubrication in women, increasing excitement, the desire to engage in a sexual act.

Causes of low sexual desire
The lack of interest in women, that the male sex is caused by certain conditions of the body, including specific diseases. Because it's the intimate life satisfaction, often contribute to the discomfort, because the vagina stays dry.
The main causes of low female libido:
- pathology of a chronic type;
- violation of hormonal background;
- emotional disturbances, stress, depression, fear, strong anxiety;
- buy a large amount of antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs;
- the excessive alcohol consumption, Smoking, drug abuse.
Determine the lack of attraction for men, because a woman can be. This is reflected in the reluctance to engage in sex, lack of satisfaction. If you cannot determine the reason for the low libido, consult your health care professional. It installs them, appoint competent therapy, through which the woman returns to the excitement, the desire to engage in sexual activity.
Often, in order to identify those factors, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination you need, to give blood to determine the level of hormones.
Currently, many kinds of lubricants, agents for women. Different method of application, other statement of expenditure in the form of.
To obtain these funds at any time, specialists, pharmaceutical establishment. Thanks to the wide you have the option to select the drug, taking into account personal preferences, the body, the chemistry, method of application.
The following forms of pathogens:

- tablets, and capsules — are characterized by a high prevalence, it is convenient to use. They always perform quietly if necessary. The therapeutic effect occurs after 30 minutes, approximately 5-6 hours. These stimulants can be manufactured based on synthetic or plant components;
- powders, solutions, drops — very effective awakening means, already 10 minutes after application. These products contain natural ingredients, so you don't have contraindications. Due to the lack of smell, taste, solutions can be added to drink;
- gels, ointments, sprays — suitable for outdoor use are made by extraction of the plant an aphrodisiac. Earlier intimate relationship, they are applied to the genital area. The duration of the effect of such stimulants for 1-2 hours;
- a chewable tablet in the form of funds — are characterized by considerable popularity among the female gender. You can have different flavors, smells, you know, to whiten the teeth, freshen the air. The therapeutic effect occurs after 10 minutes.
To choose the right intimate stimulants to help the doctor, taking into account all preferences, individual characteristics of the organism.
In order to have common joy, enjoy the process of sex partner at the same time, it is recommended to use a stimulating lube for men, especially if you have a problem with the potential.
How to apply
To get pleasure from sexual activity in many respects depends on the correct use of lubricants. Carefully read the instructions. You should also consider, contraindications, pay attention to the duration of intimate arousal.
Tablets, capsules used as traditional means, drink water. Ointment applied to the genital area with a thin layer. The solutions are allowed to add any other liquid as they are, do not spoil the taste. The Spray that is used topically as a gel. And the chewing stimulants can be applied as a normal gum.
Instructions you can achieve long orgasm during sex.
Before the use of any tool, we must not forget about contraindications. The lubricant is prohibited in the following cases:
- pregnancy;
- the presence of mental disorders, especially epileptic seizures;
- cramps in the upper and the lower limbs;
- arterial high blood pressure;
- the inflammation of the genital organs.
The women who are constantly on the prowl for an emotional instability, namely, the stress, the depression, suffer from tantrums, overstimulation is also contraindicated in women lubrication.
Stimulants can not be used, the girls who do not engage in sexual intercourse, because the possible complications. Often this is determined by the lack of orgasm during sex.
An overview of effective tools

On the shelves of shops, pharmacies represent various forms of lubricants, therefore, it is not difficult to find the appropriate remedy. Having regard to the efficiency, duration of pleasure, every drug has its advantages and disadvantages.
Leading place occupied by the lubricant in the form of tablets, capsules, as the therapeutic effect lasts for 5-6 hours. Finding the right drug to help the doctor.
Interesting solution to the problem is that the use of chewing stimulants. Able to ignite the desire for intimacy, help to relax, to enjoy the sex.
To eliminate the problem of the intimate nature of help for a lot of female lubricants, the main thing— to choose the right solution, taking into account your personal preferences.